If you own a car, chances are you’ve experienced a ding or two. Dings are part of life, as bothersome as they may be. However, just because dings are common doesn’t mean you have to live with them. Take care of your car by getting your dings removed. The best option for Aurora ding repair…

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Curious about how technicians produce amazing results with Aurora paintless dent repair? Body shops use a variety of tools and skills to remove dents. There isn’t one magic tool that does it all. Technicians have a variety of PDR tools in their arsenal and they use different tools based on each specific dent. Some of…

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There are a lot of things that cause door dents. Other car doors, hailstorms, bikes, sports balls, and shopping carts are just some of the common culprits of dented car doors. One repair option is to replace your door completely, which will give your vehicle the fresh appearance you desire but can be time-consuming and…

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